Every year in autumn - time to take care of our school grounds!


Fortunately, the weather was kind to the many hard-working helpers on October 8th, 2022 and spoiled us with sunshine. Big and small hands eagerly cleared weeds on our school grounds, filled in bark mulch, cut shrubs and fruit trees and removed leaves. Our students are happy that the barefoot path, the tree house, the slide, the sand pit, the atrium and the climbing equipment have been put in order again. Thanks to the numerous cake donations, everyone was able to treat themselves to sweets after work. At the end of the day, everyone was happy with the result.


A special thank you goes to the school parents' council and the association of friends and sponsors for the organization.


Many thanks – say the students of the Albert Schweitzer School in particular

all eager helpers.

Stefanie Brück on behalf of the Albert Schweitzer School team



School enrollment ceremony 2022


On Tuesday, September 6th, 2022, our four new first classes were welcomed with great joy at the Albert Schweitzer School.

Our principal, Mrs. Franz, warmly welcomed the 80 new first-graders to a small celebration in the gymnasium. The second graders were also happy about the new children at the school and in an entertaining play "Welcome to our school" they told of small incidents in the everyday school life of a first grader. With the song "We open all doors" they encouraged the new students to explore our school building with all its people and to become part of the school community.

Many first-graders were able to describe very precisely what qualities a schoolchild should have and confidently made it clear, together with Ms. Franz in the choir, that we can look forward to strong, clever and courageous children.

Before the new students went into the classroom with their teachers Ms. Heib, Ms. Orth, Ms. Werth and Ms. Mehrmann for the first lesson, the second graders presented a groovy “school bag rap”.

After the pupils had said goodbye to the school building, representatives of the SEB and the Förderverein introduced the parents to these bodies and then invited them to the schoolyard for coffee and cake. There you could talk in the sunshine and wait for the return of the school children.

At 11.15 a.m. they were duly welcomed in the Catholic church by Pastor Feix and Pastor Ebel and received the blessing of the Church for their future school days.



We would like to thank all the helpers for their effort, their courage and their time!

Here we see the children of the Albert Schweitzer School loading the transporter and the camp in Liwiw.

The Altrip scouts have set up a great support network, which we are happy to be part of!

  • Issue in the warehouse in Ukraine

  • Thank you to the Girl Scouts!

  • We collected a lot!

  • Collection point in our school



You`re gonna miss me, when I`m gone – Abschied von Herrn Karl


On December 21st, our school community bid farewell to our caretaker, Christian Karl, who has been with us for many years. He was caretaker at our elementary school for many years and was loved by the children and greatly appreciated by parents and colleagues. During all these years, Christian Karl was not only our caretaker, who was at our side with advice and action as well as his inexhaustible fund of tools at any time of the day or night. He was much more: the heart and soul of our school.

He was greeted by a line of third and fourth graders to the song "Cup-Song" by Anna Kendrick in the very chilly temperatures in the schoolyard. With the lyrics "You're gonna miss me, when I'm gone" the first tears flowed from everyone involved. Next, all classes surprised him with wheat beer bottles designed just for their Mr. Karl, which the class representatives handed over to him with parting words. Mr. Karl surprised the teaching staff with the songs “Notfall in der ASS” and “Mit 62 Jahre”, rewritten by Ms Langbein and Ms Werth, which the teaching staff and class 3b had specially recorded. Mr. Karl allen demonstrated his fitness during his farewell dance with some colleagues in the schoolyard, during which he was actively supported by all the school children. In the last few days they had been diligently practicing the dance steps of the lively dance medley with their class and sports teachers. Which wasn't easy at all, because her beloved Mr. Karl was constantly working for her in the school building.

In their farewell speeches, Ms. Franz, Mr. Mansky as the community representative and the parents' representatives summarized what Mr. Karl was for the Albert Schweitzer School: a stroke of luck that left big footprints that are not easy to fill in.

We are happy for him, but also very sad to have to say goodbye.

The school community of the Albert Schweitzer School wishes Christian all the best for his well-deserved retirement.

Stefanie Brück on behalf of the Albert Schweitzer School team New text

The pre-Christmas period at the Albert Schweitzer School


In the pre-Christmas period, the smell of freshly baked cookies usually wafts through the school building almost every day, and the joint Advent singing takes place in the school building every Monday. Because of the corona pandemic and the applicable distance rules, Ms. Benter and Ms. Hofmann, together with Ms. Dasch, brought the pre-Christmas season to the school community with the Advent radio in the classrooms. Mrs. Hofmann read part of the story “The Little Bell That Wouldn't Ring” to the classes every Monday. Mrs Dasch and the fourth graders accompanied the story with Orff instruments. Ms. Benter introduced the solo artists who delighted the school community with their singing, instruments or poetry recitals.


The school community of the Albert Schweitzer School wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Great joy at the Albert Schweitzer School: Book donation from the Rotary Club


As part of the Germany-wide project "Learn to read, learn to live", every child at the Albert-Schweitzer-School in Altrip received their own free class reading material from the Rotary Club Limburgerhof/Vorderpfalz. As part of this project, the children should have the opportunity to read an exciting and motivating children's book and then be allowed to keep the book. In addition, the teachers received professionally prepared teaching material.


With this generous donation of books, the Rotary Club made all the children at our school very happy again this school year and thus made a major contribution to promoting reading and motivating our students to read.


At the same time, we would like to point out that these donations from the Rotary Club can only be made possible through the sale of Advent calendars from the Rotary Club Limburgerhof/Vorderpfalz. All buyers of the calendars also contribute to the Rotary Club being able to carry out projects of this kind at all.


The entire Albert Schweitzer School would therefore like to thank the Rotary Club for the generous book donation and support!


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